NAK80's Features
NAK80's 6 advantages

High Hardness
High wear resistance
Being stressed from inside and outside, molds experience settling and distorsion on parting lines, and wear on molding surface.
NAK80 with 40HRC is suitable for plastic molds requiring wear resistance to withstand large number production.
In spite of 40HRC, easy machining due to its precipitation hardening steel, resulting in the well balance of wear resistance and easy machining.

Heat Treatment Free
Easy to use pre-hardened steel
Available for direct machining due to pre-hardened steel.
Vastly shortened lead time is available without worrying about dimensional change and distortion by heat treatment.

Easy Polishing
Superb mirror polishing
Mirror polished mold is required for glossy sheen products with beauty in appearance and transparency.
Slippery smooth products surface improves functional beauty too such as fine touch and hard dirt.
Superb mirror polishing is required in the final stage of mold making where skilled craftsmenship still contribute.
Repeaters highly evaluate superb polishing and less trouble risk of NAK80 due to its high cleanliness.

Easy Welding
Superb repair welding
As plastic molds are repeatedly design changed and repaired, repair welding is essential. Highly designed precision molds are worn and chipped by repetetive molding, which requires repair welding as well.
NAK80 shows uniform hardness by aging after welding, which regenerate mirror polished surface and uniform texture without worring about unevenness.
As welded

Aging after welding(500℃x 5h, AC)

- Reffer to the recommended reapir welding conditions in NAK80 brochure.
- If you have any question, you can apply by inquiry form
Easy Texturing
High designability enhancing product value
Mold surface decoration making plastic products excellent in texture and expression.
Texture process*1 is essential for plastic products by endowing beauty in appearance, high-grade sense, good feeling, and elongated life.
NAK80, clean and fine grained steel, is appropriate for texture processing such as photo etching*2, contributing to the production of high designed products.
※1 To make patterns or uneven on product surface by using molds with reversed geometry on the surface.
※2 One of surface finishing processes to make pattern by etching with chemicals.